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Aerial view of Randall Preserve, showcasing lush green trees and open park spaces.


The Randall Preserve acquisition agreements placed the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) as titleholder. MRCA is committed to developing a property management plan.


The Property Management Plan includes a Resource Management Plan and Tribal Access and Engagement Plan that both collectively inform a Public Access Plan. A separate, but related plan called a Coastal Resilience Strategy is also on the docket. MRCA aims to complete the Property Management Plan to meet acquisition requirements.

The Property Management Plan (PMP) includes:

  • Resource Management Plan (RMP)
  • Coastal Resilience Strategy (CRS)

  • Public Access Plan (PAP)

  • Tribal Access and Engagement Plan (TAEP)

Learn more about each Plan below.

Visual outlining the Randall Preserve's Management Plan and each branch's relation to the other branches.
Resource Management Plan

A critical next step for the Randall Preserve is an evaluation of the site through a Resource Management Plan (RMP), which includes plant and animal, watershed, and other surveys and analysis.

Resource Management Plan

Coastal Resilience Strategy

The Coastal Resilience Strategy (CRS) assesses hazard risk and community vulnerability, identifies nature-based solutions appropriate for this site, quantifies conservation and restoration action, and measures the effectiveness of our actions to reduce hazard risk and build climate resilience.

Coastal Resilience Strategy

Public Access Plan

The Public Access Plan (PAP) is developed last because all of the other plans inform this one. It will include the types of allowed activities, locations of those activities, and the hours the public can visit the Preserve.

Public Access Plan

Tribal Access and Engagement Plan

MRCA, as the titleholder, will convene California Native American Tribes that are culturally affiliated with the Randall Preserve to complete a formal government-to-government consultation.

Tribal Access and Engagement Plan

Submit a Comment

The planning team relies on public comments and questions to help form the plans. Use the the comment card below to submit your questions, ideas, suggestions, and feedback. Please be as detailed as possible.

To learn about other online and in-person opportunities to give input, plus how to make your comments the most useful, see How to Give Input.

Here are some best practices for writing comments: - Be as detailed as possible. - Include why the idea or issue matters to you. - Be level-headed and constructive. Hyperbole and intensity lessens the impact of your comment. - Repetition from multiple people makes a difference. You should still comment on something even if you know others have too. - Keep in mind the limitations of a nature Preserve, especially the limits for **passive recreation.** - Feel free to submit a question, but know that you might not receive a direct answer.

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