Public Access Plan
The Public Access Plan (PAP) is developed last because all of the other plans inform this one. It will include the types of allowed activities, locations of those activities, and the hours the public can visit the Preserve.
This plan will outline who, what, when, where, and why specific uses on the land are or are not allowed. We know some of this information already, because of the restrictions placed on the property when it was protected. Allowed uses will focus on passive recreation that prioritize habitat resilience and Tribal use of the property.
The public will also have opportunities to weigh in on the PAP by providing comments on the draft document and participating in public engagement meetings before finalization and adoption. Again, CCA will promote these public engagement opportunities when they arise.
This was funded through a federal grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, with support from the Wildlife Conservation Board, and Trust for Public Land to CCA. Dudek was hired to develop this plan with support from several subcontractors.